Thinking About “The Big Trip” Again

So back to thinking about our “Big Holiday”
I’ve had a bit of a re-think about the route. I’m thinking of going the Tolouse route again. We have never been down south via this route and after asking the question on some internet forums it seems that the Tolouse route generally has less traffic and is less hilly and just an easier drive.

Now the decisions start. When we get off the tunnel do we turn right or left?
Left means we are going to head down the A26/A1 and into Paris, across Paris to Orleans then down to Limoges on the A71/A20 and on to Tolouse. Which is probably the most direct route or do we…..

Turn right and go via Abbeyville, Rouen, Le Mans, Tours then cut across via the A85 and pick up the A20? Continue reading “Thinking About “The Big Trip” Again”

Planning The “BIG” Holiday Part 3

Back to planning,

So far we have planned where we are going, and how we are going to get there. So what next?

Well what to do when we get there? Is there anything of special interest to see or do in the area?  Is there something that we just can’t live without seeing, doing?

We have been twice before so we have a fair idea of what is in the area but it’s always worth doing your research. Ah research the stuff the planning nerd dreams of. Continue reading “Planning The “BIG” Holiday Part 3″

New Category – Nerd Central For Caravanners.

I have just added a new category to publish posts under.

Trip Planning

I “Plan” to take you on the journey of planning our trips with me.(did you see what I did? “Plan”? – suit yourself! I thought it was funny.) Continue reading “New Category – Nerd Central For Caravanners.”